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14%, indicating that Fidelity Magellan Fund did not perform as well ?

Check out our mutual fund lineup. Review the latest MGOC Morningstar rating and analysis on the ETF to determine if it is the right investment decision for your goals. From stock mutual funds to municipal bond funds, the range of mutual funds out there to choose from may seem overwhelming. Fidelity Magellan Fund Fidelity Investments Jan 03, 1994 N/A FMAGX - Performance Return Ranking. ubbdbugsau Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Magellan ® Fund having Symbol FMAGX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. Fidelity Magellan Fund, the mutual fund he ran from 1977 to 1990, was the quintessential actively managed mutual fund. •The fund's mandate is highly flexible, giving us the ability to invest in domestic. The global tech sell-off sent Magellan’s flagship global fund 7. brex jobs See fund information and historical performance for the Fidelity Advisor Magellan Fund - Class M (FMAJX). Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and no person guarantees the future performance of the fund(s), the amount or timing of any return from the fund(s), or that the investment objectives of the fund(s) will be. Analyze the Fund Fidelity ® Magellan ® Fund having Symbol FMAGX for type mutual-funds and perform research on other mutual funds. Check out our mutual fund lineup. Charts: from 1 month to 10 years and stock comparison. chief medical officer jobs See fund information and historical performance for the Fidelity Advisor Magellan Fund - Class A (FMAEX). ….

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